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Saturday, December 10, 2016
Project 7: Remote Light
Project 7: Remote Light
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අනුරුද්ධ තෙන්නකෝන්
- 9:43:00 PM
In this project we will make a 230V light controled from the magicblocks.io app. MagicRelay is used for controlling 230V bulb.
What You Need:
Magicblock.io App
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Magic Blog
Lesson 15 - Magicblocks.io Mobile App
Project 7: Remote Light
Project 6: Pet Feeder
Project 5: Gas Sensor
Project 4: Servo Motor
Project 3: Analog Input
Project 2: Button
Project 1: LED Blinking
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Lesson 13: Playground-Debug Block
Lesson 12: Playground-Inject Block
Lesson 11: Playground-Exporting Flows
Lesson 10: Playground-Importing Flows
Lesson 9: MagicKits-MagicBoard
Lesson 8: MagicKits- MagicShield
Lesson 7: MagicKits-MagicWiFi
Lesson 6 : Magicblocks.io - Code Builder
Lesson 5: Magicblocks.io : Dashboards
Lesson 4: Magicblocks.io - Visit to the playground
Lesson 3: Magicblocks.io - Adding a device
Lesson 2: Magicblocks.io - Getting started
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Internet of Things
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